Jumat, 13 Juli 2012

1 #Cake

Rainbow cake,  the most popular cake of 2012. Kaitlin Flannery a student at one college in the United States is the one who started the manufacture of rainbow cake. Starting from a plan to give a surprise of her friend's birthday. Kaitlin's friends love rainbow very much and then Kaitlin make a surprise by making a cake when cut rainbow will appear. Rainbow cake with rainbow colors on the inside. She then began to popularize it's cake creations as a guest on a talk show on American television show, "The Martha Stewart Show". Since then Rainbow Cake became so famous, even down to Indonesia.

Rainbow cake is now popular in Indonesia. Rainbow cake is very interesting as colorful as a rainbow. Me and my friends are curious and want to try it. As I understand it was sold in the DAPUR COKLAT, but because I was busy final project, I have not had time to try it

After I finished my final tests of the final project. I and my  friends went to Galaxy Mall to have fun. We passed a cafe beside SOGO, there are GELATO BAR . We are looking to sell Rainbow Cake in GELATO BAR. This cake is very popular so we also bought. We want to try it :)

This is my photo with the rainbow cake.

The price is very expensive for students, one piece at Rp. 39 600

Very Expensive, yes !

First, before I eat,  I think that every color has a different flavor.  It turns out wrong, it's the same every color.
Emmm, Rainbow cake in my opinion is
delicious, but I think the Black Forest is still better. But in terms of rainbow cake looks very interesting no.1, making curious to try it.
If each color has a different taste would be more interesting 

Watashi no Shumi

"Watashi no shumi wa " that means My hobby.
Postcrossing is my new hobby after trying new foods in other place and city, and traveling. My friend’s , Dichan invited me to join in postcrossing. It was very exciting. I have recently become a member for 5 days, I get the address should I send to my friends from China, Canada and Russia.

This is my postcard photo. I sent this postcard fifth July 12th, 2012. I hope my fifth postcard to the address and  I soon got a reply and a postcard from a friend the other countries :)

Selasa, 10 Juli 2012

The Exciting Seminar

July 10, 2012,
Today I attended a national seminar on environmental engineering department at my place school in Surabaya, East Java. National seminar theme today is "Advance in Agricultural and Municipal Waste Technology to Anticipate Food and Energy Crisis.
These seminars are panel discussions with speakers
1. Dr. Dadan Kusdianta : Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
2. Mrs. Agustina Parwitosari:  PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia
3. Mr. Widjayadi : PT. Holcim
4. Prof. Wahyono Hadi : ITS
5. Razman Mohd Salim : UTM

Subsequently carried out parallel presentations by the presenters. The seminar presenter and I had the opportunity to present my paper entitled Hazardous  Waste Management  of Car Workshop in South Surabaya''.

Presentation held in room TL-101. The presentation is awesome and this is my photo, my supervisor Mrs. Susi Agustina Wilujeng, she is standing right beside me and  my friends who became  the presenter of this seminar.

This is my certificate as a presenter, paper and other goods that I received at the seminar took place. This seminar is fun and hopefully next year I can come back :)

Minggu, 08 Juli 2012

The Moment of My Final Project

Before graduating college, I need to complete a minimum of 144 credits and take the final project.
The final task is passed to the third stage of the proposal seminar, seminar our progress and final test.
Of all stages of the oral hearing that most makes me scared, seminar proposal that makes me nervous, and I was most relaxed in the trial progress. I do not know why.

My final test on 5 July 2012, a book that I produce is very thick. There are 307 pages. It's extraordinary,  it's probably like the book is not final project when viewed from the outside. But I believe it is helpful to someone.
My final project title is Hazardous Waste Management of Car Workshop in South Surabaya.

hope I can pass TOEFL test , I'm weak in English. But I'm trying hard to learn English so that I can be clever.
Here are the moments of my seminar proposal to final test

This is when a seminar proposal, I along with my friends from the far left = dichan, me, arness and citra.

This is the result of my progress

This is the result of my final project for advanced final test that I made with paper

Here are, Before I go to final test  :) 

                                                             Fighting and do the best!

Sabtu, 07 Juli 2012

iTa no Kazoku

This is a test write Japanese hiragana in the course of UPT-ITS. This essay titled "Watashi no Kazoku" is a simple example of my level 2 exam. I am still a beginner in Japanese, I would like to become more adept and intelligent fight. I will try to persistent and enterprising

ganbatte kudasai :)

わたし の かぞく

はじめまして、 わたし は いた です。わたし の かぞく は ぎにん です。 はは、ちち、いもうと と おとうと です。ちち と はは は びょういん の せいふ やくにん です。おとうと は 11-さい です。 おとうと わ でんぱさる で がくさい です。 いもうと は せらぴすと の だいがくせい です。 いもうと は 20-さい です。わたし は かんきょ こがく の だいがくさい です。 わたし は 21-さい です。

わたし は ばlい から きました。 わたし の うち へ でんぱさる です。 わたし の うち の なか に 1-つ ぴき いぬ と くるま や じてんしゃ や おとばい など が あります。わたし の いぬ の なまえ は きろ です。 きろ は おきいくて、 ふとくて、 かわくない です。わたし の うち は きれい で、 しずかな です が ひろい です。 はは と ちち は いそがしくなかた です。おとうと は おとこ の ともだち の うち の ほう が あそびます です。

たし の かぞく が ぷる が いちばん すき です。はは は いく まえ に、 べんと お つくります。 はは の しゅみ は つく と ちち の しゅみ は よむ こと です。 まい あさ、 ちち は しんぶん を よんで います。おとうと と いもうと わ ぷる え およぐ こと です。 おとうと は いもうと より じょず です。とても わたし は およぐ こと が できません。わたし が いちばん こわい です。 それから、 わたし は ぷる え しゃしん お とて ください。 ぷる で ごむ を すてて いけません と みすぎ を こな ければ なりません。 わたし は およぎたい です。 それから わたし は みずぎ が ほしい です。わたし の おとうと の なまえ は あぢつ、 いもうと の なまえ は あにゃ です