Selasa, 10 Juli 2012

The Exciting Seminar

July 10, 2012,
Today I attended a national seminar on environmental engineering department at my place school in Surabaya, East Java. National seminar theme today is "Advance in Agricultural and Municipal Waste Technology to Anticipate Food and Energy Crisis.
These seminars are panel discussions with speakers
1. Dr. Dadan Kusdianta : Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
2. Mrs. Agustina Parwitosari:  PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia
3. Mr. Widjayadi : PT. Holcim
4. Prof. Wahyono Hadi : ITS
5. Razman Mohd Salim : UTM

Subsequently carried out parallel presentations by the presenters. The seminar presenter and I had the opportunity to present my paper entitled Hazardous  Waste Management  of Car Workshop in South Surabaya''.

Presentation held in room TL-101. The presentation is awesome and this is my photo, my supervisor Mrs. Susi Agustina Wilujeng, she is standing right beside me and  my friends who became  the presenter of this seminar.

This is my certificate as a presenter, paper and other goods that I received at the seminar took place. This seminar is fun and hopefully next year I can come back :)

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